Uz talente ide i bajka“ – reči su gitaristkinje i kompozitorke Maje Le Ru Obradović, koja ne samo da je ovim opisala svoj susret i iskustvo s mladim umetnicima Orkestra škole za muzičke talente iz Ćuprije, već i naziv svoje kompozicije, koja će premijerno biti izvedena u subotu 9. decembra u 20 časova, u svečanoj sali Kolarčeve zadužbine.

Maja Le Ru Obradović

Orkestar škole za muzičke talente iz Ćuprije nastupiće zajedno s pijanistkinjom Nur Ajadi, rezidencijalnom umetnicom prestižne Muzičke kapele kraljice Elizabete u Briselu, izvodeći kompozicije Maje Le Ru Obradović, Enrikea Granadosa, Hoakina Turine i Volfganga Amadeusa Mocarta. Može se reći da ovaj koncert postaje redovan program jer publika već treću godinu zaredom uživa u spoju različitih talentovanih umetnika iz Srbije i inostranstva i rado se seća nastupa švajsarskog gitariste Johana Šmita i sopranistkinje Kolin Infant iz Francuske. 

Nur Ajadi

Nur Ajadi je počela da svira klavir sa šest godina, a sa sedamnaest je primljena na Konzervatorijum u Parizu, u klasu Kler Dezer, kao i na čuvenu akademiju „École Normale de Musique“. Dobitnica je više nagrada na međunarodnim takmičenjima, među kojima se izdvaja prestižno priznanje „Alfred Cortot“iz 2019. godine, koje joj je omogućilo da svira s Pariskim orkestrom, Kraljevskim kamernim orkestrom Valonije, Filharmonijskim orkestrom Francuskog radija, Bečkim kamernim orkestrom, Marokanskom filharmonijom… Njeni budući angažmani uključuju turneju sa Operom iz Dižona u okviru projekta Ivica i Marica na muziku Engelberta Humperdinka, zatim saradnju s violončelistom Gotjeom Kapisonom i s gudačkim kvartetom „Eben“.

Škola za muzičke talente, koja ima status škole od posebnog nacionalnog značaja, osnovana je 1973. godine u Ćupriji, i jedna je od tri takve obrazovne institucije u svetu. Ona okuplja najtalentovaniju decu iz svih krajeva Srbije, pa i šire. Škola je gudačkog smera, u njoj se obrazuje oko 80 učenika uzrasta od šest do osamnaest godina. Osim svoje pedagoške funkcije, škola ima i bogatu koncertnu delatnost, širom naše zemlje i u inostranstvu; mladi muzičari imaju prilike da tokom svog školovanja sarađuju sa eminentnim izvođačima i dirigentima. Mnogi bivši učenici Škole za muzičke talente članovi su renomiranih domaćih i svetskih orkestara, kamernih ansambala, a na internacionalnoj muzičkoj sceni prisutni su i kao solisti. Na čelu Škole za muzičke talente već celu deceniju nalazi se violinistkinja Danijela Jović. Veliki orkestar škole pripremio je profesor Dragan Mirčić.

Svestrana i posvećena umetničkim delima, svoju ideju za osnivanje i organizovanje ovog projekta kao muzičkih susreta mladih umetnika autorka Maja le Ru Obradović opisuje rečima: „Kao kompozitorka koji živi u Beogradu, probudila mi se želja za stvaranjem umetničke simbioze između mladih umetnika i pretvorila se u projekat koji mi znači isto koliko i rad s mladima na muzičkim delima“. Umetnica je studirala gitaru kod Alberta Ponsea u Parizu i Dagoberta Linaresa u Lozani; dugi niz godina intenzivno se bavi komponovanjem, trudeći se da muzički izraz bude tonalan, romantičan, često pod uticajem balkanskog muzičkog nasleđa. Među njenim veoma zapaženim delima izdvajaju se dva koncerta za gitaru i gudački orkestar, od kojih je Concerto Sud-Atlantique premijerno izveden na ženevskoj manifestaciji „Festival de guitar de Versoix“, gde se u ulozi soliste predstavio mladi gitarista Vojin Kocić. Pored dela klasične muzike, ona je autorka i muzike za dva filma, a prema njenom delu Mala svita za princa za solo gitaru, inspirisanom novelom Senta Egziperija Mali princ, napravljena je predstava koja je igrana na četiri jezika u pet zemalja. Tim povodom Ministarstvo kulture Francuske 2012. godine odlikovalo je Maju le Ru Obradović Ordenom viteza umetnosti i književnosti.

Pokrovitelji ovogodišnjeg koncerta jesu ambasade Belgije i Španije, koje su prepoznale značaj i kvalitet ove umetničke saradnje mladih muzičara, a povodom aktuelnog predsedavanja Španije Evropskom unijom, i nadolazećeg predsedavanja Belgije (od 1. januara 2024).

Na svom prvom gostovanju u Beogradu Nur Ajadi će se predstaviti Mocartovim Koncertom za klavir i orkestar br. 12 u A-duru, KV 414. Pored ovog dela svetsku premijeru imaće kompozicija Maje Le Ru Obradović Kao u bajci, posvećena Orkestru škole za muzičke talente, koju kompozitorka najavljuje kao emotivnu i romantičnu rečima: „Uz talente, ide i bajka!“.

Ukoliko biste želeli da ćujete i doživite bajku s mladim, talentovanim umetnicima, svoje karte možete besplatno preuzeti na biletarnici Kolarčeve zadužbine i uživati u bajkovitoj decembarskoj večeri!

Autor: Katarina Georgijević


The MERITA project, whose name is derived from the words Music – cultural hERItage – TAlent, aims to improve access and participation in cultural activities, both in larger and smaller towns, promoting European cultural heritage, while strengthening the connection between online and offline engagement, enters a decisive phase. After 61 applications from 27 countries that arrived on the MERITA digital platform, the names of 38 quartets chosen to become part of an innovative European project that aims to encourage the discovery of new places that will not only overcome geographical boundaries but also conceptual, cognitive and artistic ones, have been announced. The quartets consist of young people with an average age of between 28 and 29, among whom there are 91 women and 61 men, and they come from all over Europe (Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Holland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the United Kingdom, Poland, Serbia, Finland, Greece).

This project, although still young and at the beginning of its implementation, attracted a lot of attention. This is evidenced by the large number of applications from chamber ensembles, which recognized a new, unusual approach to art and the presentation of young artists. The organizers claim that the word “quartet” is taken as a metaphor for an ideal society, a meeting place of different cultures, which through mutual dialogue builds beauty, taste aesthetics and a lasting artistic bond. In addition to the possibility of live performances, MERITA provides another very important source of information and another gathering place, which is the already mentioned digital platform. It aims to contribute to the building of mutual cooperation, as well as to the improvement of culture and identity.

Francesca Moncada Fondatrice e Presidente de Le Dimore del Quartetto
Photo © Diego Molaschi

In this regard, Francesca Moncada, founder and president of the “Le Dimore del Quartetto” network and the board of the Comitato AMUR, presents this project in the following words: “MERITA is the crowning of a European dream, music as a universal language capable of giving new life to places and spaces waiting to be rediscovered. A dialogue between cultures, arts, communities and territories for the creation of a circular economy and sustainable culture to support simple and proximity-based tourismAll this is MERITA and much more, with this project wins beauty for all.”

With the idea of being a “promotional showcase for artists”, this platform will bring classical music and European heritage sites of cultural interest closer to a new audience. Francesca Moncada goes on to say: “These formations of outstanding young musicians represent a vibrant and intercultural Europe, rooted in tradition and capable of moving towards an innovative and multisensory future. Each quartet is sacred and MERITA will give us the opportunity to discover how this diverse formation of collective intelligence can ignite places and people”.

Undoubtedly, this project has awakened many young artists and united chamber ensembles, making them through acquaintance, togetherness, building contacts, as well as artistic creation prove that art as such is equal for everyone and accessible to everyone. By performing the works of timeless composers in old settings, which preserve the centuries-old tradition, they now gain a new meaning and become fresh with the new spirit of youth, beauty of sound and modernity.

Tommaso Sacchi Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Milano
Photo ©Alessandra Cinquemani

The Councillor for Culture of the municipality of Milano Tommaso Sacchi also speaks about this: “Le Dimore del Quartetto continues its goal of supporting and spreading musical culture, with a project of European scope, capable of strengthening the ties between the many different cultures that make it up. It is a project that not only promotes the circulation and expansion of string quartets, but also supports the activity of young artists, helping to strengthen in them, under the guise of music, that sense of identity that unites all European culture.”

Simone Gramaglia_Direttore artistico de Le Dimore del Quartetto
Simone Gramaglia Direttore artistico de Le Dimore del Quartetto

The artistic director of the “Le Dimore del Quartetto” network, Simone Gramaglia, says about the MERITA project that it “combines tradition and innovation in a concrete way. Wonderful 38 selected young quartets will have the opportunity to perform, to be heard, supported and above all to express themselves on the international level. Their message and their voice will be able to leave an important mark in the world of music through a strong network that combines passion, vision, determination to create a better future through beauty.” In this regard, it can be said that this project is a chance for young people to present themselves to the world, but also to push their own boundaries by becoming new, more mature people, with the potential to transfer their experiences to some new generations. This already paves a long-term path towards artistic growth and preparation for some new and better times, in which traditional values will be preserved, nurtured and improved together with youth.

You can find out more about the selected ensembles, as well as the further realization of the MERITA project, on its official website:

Author: Katarina Georgijević

Translation: Jelena Čolović

Festival Horovi među freskama

Početkom ovog meseca, 4. decembra, u atrijumu Narodnog muzeja Srbije počeo je dvadeset četvrti po redu festival duhovne muzike „Horovi među freskama”. Ovaj festival, koji je osnovan 1995. godine s blagoslovom blaženopočivšeg patrijarha Pavla, uz pokroviteljstvo Sekretarijata za kulturu grada Beograda, Narodnog muzeja Srbije, Hrama Svetog Marka i drugih, nije takmičarskog karaktera, već ima za cilj da promoviše autentičnost crkvenog horskog pevanja i očuvanje tradicije, uz akcenat na delima domaćih autora.

The Christmas-New Year series of concerts by the Musical Youth in Novi Sad

As part of the Christmas-New Year cycle, the Musical Youth of Novi Sad, like every year, prepared a rich program, consisting of six concert evenings. Encompassing all genres of artistic music, starting with spiritual, through ethnic Balkan melos and all the way to jazz and classical music, carefully nurturing and following the taste of the audience, Musical Youth is unfailingly able to create a program concept in accordance with the interests of the visitors. If you would like to spend this last month of the year at interesting concert events, as well as to see off this year in traditional style together with the Musical Youth, you can take a look at this year’s program.

The first in a series of concerts will be held on Thursday, December 15, in the Synagogue (Novi Sad), under the name “PESMA HERUVIMA” (The Cherubikon) by Divna Ljubojević and the choir “Melόdi” on the occasion of 30 years of creativity.

The BUNT festival is an integral part of the art scene and music, which can overshadow everyday life

From December 15 to December 28, the tenth “Belgrade Art New Territory” festival will be held, better known as BUNT (hereinafter – Bunt). The audience was impatiently waiting for the beginning of this event, where this year, during six festival days and nine concerts, with a rich musical repertoire starting from baroque, through classical and all the way to traditional Balkan melos, they will experience unforgettable concert days listening to top artists and performers from the domestic and world art scene.

Flautist and founder of the festival, professor Ljubiša Jovanović

Photo: Milan Bašić

Koncert Akademskog hora „Collegium musicum“ Tragovi iz sazvežđa Regula

U ponedeljak 5. decembra od 20 h u MTS dvorani Doma sindikata održaće se koncert pod nazivom Tragovi iz sazvežđa Regula koji predstavlja svojevrstan omaž osnivaču Akademskog hora „Collegium musicum“ Darinki Matić Marović. Koncert nosi simboličan naziv sa željom da se svi zajedno prisete, kako članovi hora navode, „dirigentkinje, prijateljice, profesorke i sjajne zvezde iz sazvežđa Regula“.

Iz arhive hora “Collegium musicum”

Concert by the orchestra of the School for Musical Talents from Ćuprija and soprano Coline Infante

On Saturday, December 3, in the large hall of the Kolarac endowment from 8 p.m., as part of the project of the Swiss organization “Forgerons du Rêve”, the string orchestra of the School for Musical Talents from Ćuprija and the soprano Coline Infante from France will perform. In addition to a rich repertoire with works by Mendelssohn, Bologne, Gounod, Bartók and Tchaikovsky, the young artists will premiere in French the new works of the composer and creator of this project, Maya Le Roux Obradović – Proverbs and Superstitions and Bazaar of the Four Winds, for which the artist wrote the music and lyrics, and Ave Maria, whose lyrics were written by Frans Magois Leloux.

Maya Le Roux Obradović

Hadži Jakov Milutinović – concert in honor of Stanislav Binički

As part of this year’s choir season, on the occasion of Stanislav Binički’s significant jubilee – 150 years since his birth and 80 years since his death, on Wednesday, November 23, at 8 p.m., in the ceremonial hall of the Serbian Army House, the Choir of Radio and Television of Serbia will perform. The choir will be led by the conductor Hadži Jakov Milutinović, with piano collaboration with pianist Milivoj Veljić and musicologist Ivana Neimarević, who will present the theme of the concert evening, as well as the life of the composer.

The young conductor Hadži Jakov Milutinović, who, in addition to being a conducting student at the Faculty of Music, shows his talent, giftedness and knowledge through compositional work, but also constant involvement with the children’s choir of the Church of St. Basil of Ostrog and with the Choir of the Serbian Radio and Television. Hadži Jakov describes the process of realizing this project as a long-term work that required great commitment, thoroughness and the ability to select and prepare works so that the image and work of the composer are presented in the best possible way.

Hadži Jakov Milutinović – conductor


If you would like to present your ensemble in cities across Europe, as well as to perform in buildings of cultural and artistic significance and in historical residences, you can apply to the digital platform until December 15, 2022. The selected quartets will work on the development of original projects on topics such as: music and art, disability, music and theater, interculturality, music and spaces and young audiences. The development of the project will last three years and will include 38 quartets with a total of 152 artists. The digital platform will be the center from which all activities will take place.

Cuarteto Iberia

54. Belgrade music festivals – BEMUS

Belgrade music festivals are eagerly awaited by the audience every autumn, welcoming famous artists of today’s world classical music scene. At four locations in Belgrade – in the Kolarac Endowment, the Belgrade Philharmonic Hall, the Cathedral Church of St. Archangel Michael and Parish of St. Anthony of Padua – great musicians will be introduced, such as bass-baritone Bryn Terfel, pianist Ivo Pogorelić, violinist Bomsori Kim, pianist Martín García García, Choir “Madrigal – Marin Constantine” from Romania and many others. Special attention is drawn to the series of chamber music concerts that take place in the hall of the Belgrade Philharmonic.

Nemanja Stanković, Bojan Suđić, Damir Handanović, Jelena Janković Begus

photo:Belkisa Abdulovic